New release 0.5.0!
Lots of new features: emotes, new cards, reworked battlefields, new mechanics and visuals.

Official Discord Server
Join us in our new official discord server. We are eager to get your feedback!

New release 0.4.0!
Here it is a new update of the game with many new features: history, new mechanics, new cards, visuals and much more…

New release 0.5.0!
- 9 Feb 2024

Official Discord Server
- 10 Feb 2023

New release 0.4.0!
- 24 Dec 2022

Update 0.3.3
- 24 Jan 2022
TCG and board game

In this strategic card game, it’s skill, not luck, that matters. Combine champions, allies and regions to unlock unique synergies and surprise your opponent.
Deeply Strategic

Deploy your units, exploit spatial tactics, use unit affinities and interact with the battlefield.
Easy to Play, Hard to Master

Learn the basics easily and develop your tactical abilities further to face the most powerful enemies.
Fair Play

Designed with a focus on fair competitive play, where you unlock cards simply by playing the game.
Choose your Overlord

Conquer the game with a faithful army, powerful weapons and incredible sacred spells. Devise military strategies and build a strong defense to achieve victory.

Defeat your enemies mercilessly and unleash the wrath of your army on the enemy forces. Damage and pain is your religion.

Use your stealth, your aim and the favor of the spirits of the forest to rise victoriously against your enemies and preserve the harmony of your people.

More than 100 cards

Play, collect and discover
New Cards

Play the game, defeat your opponents and discover new cards to improve your decks. Create fun and surprising tactics and combos to achieve victory. Find out multiple ways to beat your enemies and unleash unexpected sinergies.
Dynamic battlefields

Fight your battles in epic battlefields. Adapt your strategy to the terrain or perish. The battlefeld is a living entity you can’t just ignore! Take advantage of it or your opponent will!